Many biologically important small molecules, like hormones and amino acids, are too small to be measured by conventional detection methods.…
Classifying brain microglia: Which are good and which are bad?
Microglia are important to brain function, and also seem to play a role in disease. New work offers the most…
Discovering neurons that rapidly catch our mistakes
Scientists identify single neurons in the human brain that catch our mistakes and correct future behavior.
So, You Have to Give a Lecture—Are You Anxious?
One of our chief residents often asks me to help one of our trainees prepare to present a case or…
Modeling the microbiome
The gut microbiome — the world of microbes that inhabit the human intestinal tract — has captured the interest of…
Report reveals link between air pollution and increased risk for miscarriage
Researchers found women living along the Wasatch Front — the most populous region in the state of Utah — had…
Memory B cells in the lung may be important for more effective influenza vaccinations
Using a mouse model of influenza and experiments that included parabiosis, researchers definitively showed that lung-resident memory B cells establish…
Scientists design way to track steps of cells’ development
Scientists have developed a new tool described as a ‘flight data recorder’ for developing cells, illuminating the paths cells take…
Sea invertebrate sheds light on evolution of human blood, immune systems
Botryllus schlosseri, a marine invertebrate that lives in underwater colonies resembling fuzzy pinheads clinging to rocks, has a blood-forming system…
Using drones to simplify film animation
Producing realistic animated film figures is a highly complex technical endeavour. Researchers have now shown how drones can be used…