The active ingredients of ketamine, a popular club drug, show promise in battling deep despair.
Role of estrogen in controlling Type 2 diabetes
The results of a recent study provide insights into the mechanism by which estrogen can decrease insulin resistance and the…
Testosterone limits for female athletes based on ‘flawed’ research
New rules governing international track and field competitions would require some women to medically reduce their testosterone levels to compete.…
Large study fails to link phthalates and increased breast cancer risk
In the largest study to date on phthalates and postmenopausal breast cancer, a cancer epidemiology researcher found no association between…
Slower runners benefit most from elite methods
How much do high-tech shoes, special diets and exercises, drafting behind other runners and other strategies to improve your ‘running…
New machine learning method could spare some women from unnecessary breast surgery
Researchers have developed and evaluated a machine learning approach of using patient core needle biopsy data to identify the risk…
Women scarce in the one percent
Looking at income inequality reveals vast gender inequality as well, according to a new study. While the families earning in…
Evidence and issues in addressing cost-effectiveness in treating obesity
Healthcare systems that provide care free of charge at the point of care must evaluate health interventions for effectiveness and…
Management of obesity and overweight
Modern weight management incorporates optimization of health and risk factors, irrespective of weight change, short-term weight loss and long-term prevention…
Why too much DNA repair can injure tissue
Researchers have discovered how overactive DNA repair systems can lead to retinal damage and blindness in mice. A DNA repair…