More than 26 million American adults have a food allergy; almost as many say they have one but probably don’t.
One in 10 Adults Have a Food Allergy. Many More Say They Have One.
More than 26 million American adults have a food allergy; almost as many say they have one but probably don’t.
One in 10 Adults Have a Food Allergy. Many More Say They Have One.
More than 26 million American adults have a food allergy; almost as many say they have one but probably don’t.
One in 10 Adults Have a Food Allergy. Many More Say They Have One.
More than 26 million American adults have a food allergy; almost as many say they have one but probably don’t.
Engineers create an inhalable form of messenger RNA
In an advance that could lead to new treatments for lung disease, researchers have now designed an inhalable form of…
New mechanism to ‘activate’ the immune system against cancer
A new mechanism for activating the immune system against cancer cells allows immune cells to detect and destroy cancer cells…
Our bodies may cure themselves of diabetes in the future
Diabetes is caused by damaged or non-existing insulin cells inability to produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary in regulating…
A new hope in treating neurodegenerative disease
Researchers have clarified the fundamentals of coiled toxin protein which causes neurodegenerative brain disorders. The result is expected to speed…
Fungi cause brain infection and impair memory in mice
Researchers report that the fungus Candida albicans can cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger an inflammatory response that results in…
Essential amino acid in humans, methionine, controls cell growth
A recent study from the Laxman lab elucidates how a small metabolite and amino acid, methionine, acts as a growth…