Diuretic Drugs – what’re the best?

In the Heart Foundation consultation, the question was recently asked what advantages the dehydrating agent chlortalidone has over HCT (hydrochlorothiazide), which is prescribed much more frequently in this country? The more uniform effect of chlortalidone is not the only difference, as the following expert answer emphasizes.


The consultation question in wording:

In the Heart Foundation brochure “Hypertension: What to do?” Prof. Eschenhagen noted on page 34 that the dehydrating agent chlortalidone is a better drug than hydrochlorothiazide. What are the advantages of the drug chlortalidone in terms of effect or side effect? Why should it be better? I would be grateful for any information, as my cardiologist may want to change my medication. He is also very interested in the information. (Bert R., Sigmaringen)
Expert answer:

Chlortalidone and HCT (hydrochlorothiazide) are both diuretic drugs from the group of so-called thiazide diuretics and act very similarly. Both lower blood pressure and are part of the standard therapy for high blood pressure.

Chlortalidone has two advantages: First, it has been tested successfully in large studies involving thousands of patients. This includes the largest and most important independently conducted blood pressure studies such as ALLHAT and SPRINT. In contrast, HCT has only been studied in smaller trials.


When many studies are pooled, chlortalidone versus HCT reduces the relative risk of cardiovascular complications by 21% (Roush GC et al, Hypertension 2012). Nevertheless, HCT is used much more frequently than chlortalidone in Germany due to tradition or habit, which can be viewed quite critically.
Effect of chlortalidone more uniform

Second, chlortalidone has a significantly longer half-life in the body. This means that the effect lasts longer and is more uniform than that of HCT. Thus, chlortalidone is also “forgiving” of the occasional forgetting to take a tablet.

As with HCT, the standard dose of chlortalidone is 1 x 12.5-50 mg/day (usually 1 x 25 mg/day).

Regarding your question about side effects: It is impossible to predict which drug you will tolerate better. This is something you and your doctor will have to try out.

High Blood Pressure Symptoms

Most people with hypertension don’t exhibit any high blood pressure signs or symptoms. Usually, it takes several years for the condition to cause noticeable problems. People who do have symptoms may experience headache, dizziness, and blurred vision. Unfortunately, many people don’t seek medical care until they have severe symptoms related to organ damage.

Signs and Symptoms of High Blood Pressure: An Overview

Most people with high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) don’t have any high blood pressure symptoms or signs. This is because high blood pressure doesn’t cause problems over a day or weeks — or even months. It usually takes several years for the condition to cause noticeable symptoms, and even when it does cause problems, the symptoms are often mild and nonspecific (meaning they could be caused by several different conditions).   For this reason, high blood pressure is often referred to as “the silent killer.” People with the condition typically don’t even realize they have it until they have blood pressure readings that are too high.  

Possible High Blood Pressure Symptoms

In some cases, however, a person can have signs or symptoms of high blood pressure. These include:  

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea.  

However, many people don’t seek medical care until they have more severe symptoms from the organ damage that long-term (chronic) high blood pressure can cause.  

Malignant High Blood Pressure and Its Symptoms

About 1 percent of people with high blood pressure do not seek medical care until their symptoms are quite severe. Severe high blood pressure is referred to as malignant hypertension. In malignant hypertension, the diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number of a blood pressure reading) often exceeds 140 mmHg. People with malignant high blood pressure symptoms may experience:  

When high blood pressure becomes this severe, emergency hospitalization and lowering of blood pressure are required to prevent brain bleeding or stroke.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

In most cases, there are no specific causes of high blood pressure. Factors such as being overweight, smoking, and having diabetes can increase a person’s risk of developing this condition, but they are not “causes” in and of themselves. High blood pressure without an identifiable cause is known as primary or “essential hypertension.”

Understanding What Causes High Blood Pressure

In most people, a single, specific cause of high blood pressure is not known. This is called primary or essential hypertension. In other people, high blood pressure is the result of another medical problem or medicine. When the cause is known, this is called secondary high blood pressure.  

high blood pressure

If a person is diagnosed with high blood pressure, it doesn’t mean that he or she is “too nervous,” overanxious, or obsessive. This is a popular myth. High blood pressure is not nervous tension. In fact, many people who are perfectly calm have high blood pressure.  

Primary Hypertension — When There Is No Known Cause

For nine out of ten people, there is no identifiable cause of high blood pressure. This is called “primary hypertension” or “essential hypertension.” Most people with primary hypertension don’t even realize that they have it; the majority of people with the condition feel no different from those who have normal blood pressure. That’s why high blood pressure is often called “the silent killer.”  

Secondary Hypertension

In one out of ten people, the high blood pressure cause is known. This is called secondary hypertension. Some conditions that can cause secondary hypertension include:  

High Blood Pressure Cause Versus Risk Factors

While not specific causes of high blood pressure, certain traits can increase a person’s chance of developing it. These factors are known as high blood pressure risk factors and include:  

  • Having diabetes
  • Being a male over the age of 45 or a female over the age of 55
  • Being overweight
  • Eating a lot of salty foods (see Salt and High Blood Pressure)
  • Being of African-American descent.  

Although more men have high blood pressure than women, women do increase their risk of the disease if they take birth control pills.  

What Makes High Blood Pressure Worse?

High blood pressure can be made worse by different things. A few factors that can worsen the disease include:  

Order Antibiotics online

AntiBacterial drugs are probably one of the largest medical groups. This includes medicines with various chemical function and origin. The general fact is that all antibiotics stop bacterial growth and reproduction.

In the forest, there are thousands of different bacteria, but they are not dangerous for human body. Hundreds of bacteria live on the body and do not damage the skin on the skin. They do their work and protect the body from access to pathogenic microorganisms. And if bacteria enter the body or in the pathogenic process then changes in their own bacterial levels, then the infectious-inflammatory process begins.

Antibiotic therapy is the only way to stop the development of safe and rapid infectious inflammation and destroy pathogens. The complexity of antibiotics is that they both kill pathogenic bacteria and beneficial bacteria, and therefore the doctors should give them a note of all the targets.

Another problem is that each group of antibiotics has its own medicinal properties and they can not function on all bacteria. There are broad-action medicines which block the activities of many types of bacteria and are drugs of narrow works that target 1-2 organisms. Therefore it is always hard to choose the necessary antibiotic.

A doctor will help you to choose and quickly write the necessary medication. But consulting a doctor is not always possible. If the infectious process begins, antibiotics should be used as early as possible. A complete medical examination and a medication is issued after consultation. Itamtekweicorso The only way to buy antibiotics is to buy it online at the pharmacy.

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Written by Jack Straw at 8 June 2024

Buying antibiotics online

Last year more and more men are intrigue in how to acquire antibiotics online. People don’t know, that now on the web are working any digital pharmacies. If you don’t want to go to the pharmacy booth and you have a credit card, better to buying antibiotics online – follot the link tqpharma.site, where is a large catalog.

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Written by Jack Straw at 8 June 2024

How do antibiotics work?

How do antibiotics work?

Although there are a number of different types of antibiotics, they all work in one of two ways:

antibiotic resistance
  • A bactericidal antibiotic kills the bacteria. Penicillin is a bactericidal. A bactericidal usually either interferes with the formation of the bacterium’s cell wall or its cell contents.
  • A bacteriostatic stops bacteria from multiplying.

What are antibiotics for?

An antibiotic is given for the treatment of an infection caused by bacteria. Antibiotics target microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites. However, they are not effective against viruses. If you have an infection it is important to know whether it is caused by bacteria or a virus.

Before bacteria can multiply and cause symptoms our immune system can usually destroy them. We have special white blood cells that attack harmful bacteria. Even if symptoms do occur, our immune system can usually cope and fight off the infection. There are occasions, however, when it is all too much and our bodies need some help — from antibiotics.

Antibiotics may be given beforehand, to prevent infection, as might be the case before surgery. This is called “prophylactic” use of antibiotics. They are commonly used before bowel and orthopedic surgery.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic can be used to treat a wide range of infections. A narrow-spectrum antibiotic is only effective against a few types of bacteria. There are antibiotics that attack aerobic bacteria, while others work against anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria need oxygen; anaerobic bacteria don’t.

how antibiotics work

Allergic reactions to antibiotics

Some patients may develop an allergic reaction to antibiotics — especially penicillins. Side effects might include a rash, swelling of the tongue and face, and difficulty breathing. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic you must tell your doctor and/or pharmacist. Reactions to antibiotics can be very serious and sometimes fatal, they are called anaphylactic reactions.

Use antibiotics with extreme caution and ensure you inform your doctor/pharmacist if:

  • You have reduced liver or kidney function.
  • You are pregnant
  • You are breastfeeding

Written by Jack Straw at 8 June 2024

Flagyl: a beacon of hope in the fight against trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis, caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that affects millions of people worldwide. For those grappling with the symptoms of this often-painful infection, Flagyl (metronidazole) emerges as a crucial ally in the battle against Trichomoniasis.

Flagyl, an antibiotic medication, is renowned for its effectiveness in treating a variety of bacterial and parasitic infections, including trichomoniasis. The mechanism of action of Flagyl against Trichomonas vaginalis involves disrupting the DNA and cellular structure of the parasite, ultimately leading to its demise.

For individuals suffering from trichomoniasis, the symptoms can be debilitating. From genital itching and burning to painful urination and unusual discharge, the impact of this infection on one’s quality of life can be profound. However, with Flagyl, there is hope.

Upon commencing treatment with Flagyl, individuals often experience a significant improvement in their symptoms. The medication works diligently to eradicate the parasite, alleviating discomfort and restoring a sense of normalcy to their lives. In most cases, a single dose of Flagyl is sufficient to combat the infection, although some individuals may require a longer course of treatment depending on the severity of the infection.

Beyond its immediate impact on symptoms, Flagyl plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of trichomoniasis. By effectively eliminating the parasite from the body, Flagyl reduces the risk of transmission to sexual partners, helping to curb the spread of this STI within the community.

However, while Flagyl is a powerful weapon against trichomoniasis, it is not without its limitations. Like all medications, Flagyl may cause side effects in some individuals, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Additionally, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the medication, necessitating immediate medical attention.

Furthermore, it is essential to complete the full course of Flagyl as prescribed by a healthcare professional, even if symptoms improve before the medication is finished. Failure to do so could result in a recurrence of the infection, potentially requiring further treatment.

In conclusion, Flagyl stands as a beacon of hope for those grappling with the challenges of trichomoniasis. With its potent antimicrobial properties and proven efficacy, Flagyl offers a path to healing and recovery for individuals affected by this insidious infection. Through diligent adherence to treatment guidelines and close collaboration with healthcare providers, individuals can overcome trichomoniasis and reclaim their health and well-being.

A Solitary Journey: Navigating Erectile Dysfunction with Tadalafil

In the quiet solitude of his dimly lit room, Adam, a 30-year-old man, sits with a heavy heart and a mind clouded by melancholy. His thoughts drift back to a time when passion flowed effortlessly, and the touch of his lover ignited a fire within him. But now, a shadow looms over his once vibrant intimacy – erectile dysfunction (ED).

vibrant intimacy with Tadalafil

Adam’s journey with ED began unexpectedly, casting a pall over his romantic endeavors. Despite his youthful vigor and desire, his body betrayed him, leaving him feeling inadequate and disconnected from his partner. The weight of disappointment and frustration grew heavier with each failed attempt at intimacy, pushing him further into a realm of desolation.

In his quest for a solution, Adam turned to tadalafil, a beacon of hope in his sea of despair. The small pill promised to restore his confidence and revive the passion that had slowly faded away. With cautious optimism, he embarked on this new chapter, hoping for a reprieve from the darkness that had enveloped him.

As he took the medication, Adam felt a glimmer of anticipation, a flicker of hope that perhaps, this time, things would be different. Slowly, but surely, the effects of tadalafil began to manifest. His body responded to the slightest touch, and the once elusive erection became a reality once more.

Yet, amidst the physical resurgence, Adam found himself grappling with emotions that lingered like a stubborn fog. The specter of ED still haunted him, casting doubts on his masculinity and leaving scars on his psyche. The intimacy he once cherished now felt like a performance, a facade to conceal his inner turmoil.

Despite these challenges, Adam persevered, finding solace in moments of fleeting connection with his partner. He learned to embrace vulnerability, understanding that true intimacy transcends physicality. With each passing day, he grew stronger, reclaiming his sense of self and redefining his understanding of love and intimacy.

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Today, Adam’s journey with ED continues, a constant ebb and flow of emotions and experiences. Yet, through it all, he remains steadfast, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. And though the road ahead may be uncertain, Adam walks it with a newfound sense of purpose, knowing that he is not alone in his struggle.

In the end, Adam’s story is not just one of triumph over adversity, but a poignant reminder of the complexities of human experience. It is a story of love, loss, and resilience, a testament to the indomitable nature of the human heart. And as Adam looks to the future, he does so with hope in his heart, knowing that whatever may come, he is stronger for having faced his demons head-on.

End Your Sexual Problems with Cialis

Today I will tell you about the cialis product … Today, men over 40 generally have sexual reluctance or erectile dysfunction. 4 or 5 days ago, when I was talking to my 43-year-old friend, the topic came to sexuality.

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He talked about how he overcame his sexual reluctance, and I will briefly tell you the subject from his mouth. He started researching on the internet because he had not been together with his wife for about 6 months and this situation became annoying, and as a result, he started to use the cialis 100 mg product. Sex drive started 45 minutes after taking the
first cialis product. He mentioned that the erection problem was over and the sexual intercourse was taking too long. My friend, who said that it was very affordable in terms of price, told us that the cialis tablet adds color to his life. We strongly recommend that you buy cialis products from reliable cialis companies or pharmacies on doctor’s recommendation.

Is Cialis Product Beneficial for an Erection?

What Does Cialis Does, What Are Its Benefits?

Cialis Makes Penis Hardening.

Due to many reasons, most men have erectile dysfunction. The penis, which cannot reach sufficient hardness for sexual intercourse, causes problems between couples and creates a serious psychological trauma for the man. It is produced to eliminate this problem with the ingredients contained in Cialis. It allows the penis to harden half an hour after use.

Cialis Increases the Pleasure From Sexual Intercourse.

Cialis increases sexual pleasure

Cialis enables the veins on the penis to expand and the blood flow in these veins to accelerate. With the widening of the vessels, the pleasure of men who use Cialis increases even more.

Cialis Effect Lasts for 36 Hours.

After taking Cialis, its effect on the body continues for 36 hours. However, using more than one during the day is inconvenient and causes undesirable negativity.

How to Use Cialis?

Cialis is produced in capsule form. It should be swallowed with a glass of warm water half an hour before sexual intercourse. It takes effect within half an hour after use and makes the penis reach enough hardness for sexual intercourse.

What are the harms of Cialis?

The active ingredient in Cialis is tadalafil. Using more than the recommended dose creates adverse effects.

There is also a risk of heart attack in men who use Cialis, due to the ingredients found in it. For this reason, Cialis should only be used under the supervision of a doctor and is available on prescription.

What is erection (hardening) medicine?

In today’s meaning, “drugs that provide erection” or “erection drugs” mean drugs that provide erection and facilitate sexual intercourse by increasing blood flow to the penis, the male sexual organ, to the physiological mechanism of erection. These drugs are also medically referred to as “Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors” because they inhibit the action of phosphodiesterase 5, an enzyme that plays a role in erection (penile hardening) on ​​the penis.

Who can use erection medication?

Medicines are considered first-line treatment for erection. The random use of this drug by a person who does not know his general health condition may cause some unwanted problems.

  • People using long- or short-acting nitrate-containing drugs
  • People without serious cardiac disorders
  • People who have not had myocardial infarction in the last 6 months
  • Those who do not have severe liver and kidney failure
  • They are usable drugs suitable for all kinds of patients without retinitis pigmentosa.
  • On the other hand, caution should be exercised in the use of drugs used in the treatment of some viral diseases and a doctor’s recommendation should be sought.

Are there any side effects of erection medication?

People who do not have risk factors and all age groups can use erection drugs. However, those in the young age group generally use erection drugs as performance enhancing drugs. Common side effects of all erection medications:

  • Hot flushes
  • Palpitation
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Defect of vision
  • Sweating
  • Anorexia
  • Nose fullness
  • Pain in the back and leg muscles
  • It usually has minimal side effects, such as a feeling of redness on the face.

However, the use of erection drugs by a person who does not know his general health condition, such as a hidden cardiac disease, may cause cardiac problems and sudden cardiac death.

On the other hand, in the young age group, using high doses or accidentally overdose may cause prolonged erection, ie priapism, although very rarely. Therefore, it is recommended to be used with caution, to be used under recommendation, and to be used in low or average doses if used as a performance enhancer in the young age group.

The purpose of erection drugs that block the enzymes that prevent erection is to increase the blood supply in the penis. Different ingredients are used to achieve this. As an active ingredient:

  • Tadalafil
  • Vardenafil
  • Sildenafil
  • Avanafil
  • Udenafil
  • Lodenafil
  • There are medications that contain mirodenafil.

In terms of interaction, only the initial times, interactions with food and duration of action of these drugs are different. Their effectiveness and side effects are similar.

In our country, there are Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Tadalafil and Avanafil in the order of launch of these drugs. While the drugs containing the active ingredient Vardenafil and Sildenafil act quickly, their duration of action is shorter than the others. Drugs containing Tadalafil and Avanafil, on the other hand, provide a later erection, while the duration of action is longer than the others.

Can erection medications available on the Internet cause health problems?

Erection drugs sold on the Internet can cause serious health problems not only in our country but also in the whole world. These types of drugs constitute over 70-80% or even nearly 90% of the pharmaceutical market in third world countries. In these erection medicines, which are extremely problematic in terms of reliability and whose contents are not known, sometimes ingredients containing deadly substances can also be used.

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The most innocent harm of erection medications available online may be that they do not contain active ingredients. These drugs, which can contain extremely harmful toxic substances, should be avoided.

If erection medications do not work, what are the methods that can be applied?

  • If the drugs do not work, it should be questioned whether they are used properly or not. For example, Sildenafil-containing drugs have an interaction with food. It can have a negative effect especially when used with fatty foods. Therefore, it is recommended to use on an empty stomach. Tadalafil, on the other hand, does not have such an interaction.
  • The second important factor is that the testosterone level must be normal for erection drugs to work. If erection drugs do not work, it may be necessary to check the testosterone level, if there is a testosterone deficiency, this problem must be corrected first and then the drug should be restarted.
  • Dosage can be increased. If the dose used is insufficient for the patient, it can be switched to an alternative dose.
  • Although it does not have much meaning, it can be changed in the erection medicine used. Although there are drugs in the same group, sometimes different drugs may give different results with placebo effect psychologically.

In the patient group who do not respond to them and cannot use them, other treatment methods should be turned to.

Could erection medication be used together with alcohol be troublesome?

Simultaneous use of erectile drugs with alcohol creates problems, as is the case with all drugs. In addition to decreasing the effect of the drug, it increases the liver toxicity and increases the side effects. On the other hand, sildenafil and vardenafil are less effective with alcohol, while tadalafil has no interaction with alcohol.

What are the foods that provide erection?

Aphrodisiac foods can be used to ensure erection. The most well-known among the aphrodisiac foods is ginseng. Apart from this, fruits such as avocados and strawberries can also have an aphrodisiac effect.

A diet consisting of plenty of vegetables, fruits and fiber will be beneficial for sexual life. Increasing sexual desire; It may be beneficial to consume certain aphrodisiac foods. These foods both play a role in providing energy needs, and provide control of the hormonal level (testosterone level) and thus increase libido. In addition, it has vasodilating effects, especially increasing blood flow in the penis.

If we need to group some of the foods that increase sexual power by grouping:


  • Garlic; Thanks to a substance called “allicin”, it is effective in increasing the blood flow of the penis.
  • Asparagus: It is rich in B vitamins.
  • Broccoli: It has a rich vitamin C content. It is an antioxidant effective and increases libido.
  • Hot pepper: Thanks to the “capsaicin” it contains, it both increases blood flow and stimulates the release of endorphins, the happiness hormone.
  • Maca radish: Maka Radish, a South American plant such as hot pepper or Chili pepper, is widely consumed mainly in Peru.
  • Carrot: It is a rich source of vitamin A.
  • Lentils and legumes: Contains protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamin B1, sodium, calcium and iron.


  • Avocado; It increases the level of testosterone through vitamin B6. It also plays a role as an energy source thanks to its folic acid content.
  • Watermelon; Thanks to the citrulline amino acid, it increases the blood supply of the penis by expanding the blood vessels.
  • Blackberry: The chemicals in its content play a role in increasing sexual desire.
  • Peach: Increases blood supply. It has a high content of C-vitamins. In this way, it has an antioxidant effect.
  • Grapefruit: Increases sexual power with its vitamin C content. However, grapefruit juice reduces the effectiveness of erection medications. For this reason, erection medications are not recommended to be taken with grapefruit juice.
  • Apricot: Contains vitamin A and potassium.
  • Olive: It is an important aphrodisiac with its rich mineral content as well as vitamins A, C and E.

In addition to these, figs, apples, grapes, strawberries, bananas are other aphrodisiac fruits.

Nuts and grains etc. foods:

  • Ginseng: Increases blood flow and increases sexual desire.
  • Pumpkin seeds; Pumpkin seeds containing vitamins B, E, C and K increase the level of testosterone and control sexual desire.
  • Peanuts; It increases the blood circulation of the sexual organ by relaxing the blood vessels with the intense amount of arginine amino acids it contains.
  • Hazelnuts: It is rich in fiber, protein and minerals.
  • Pumpkin seeds: Rich in zinc, potassium and calcium. It is anti-oxidant effective. It improves sperm quality. It keeps the cholesterol level in balance. In this way, it plays a role in adjusting the testosterone level and in the regulation of libido.
  • Saffron: It has been an aphrodisiac spice since ancient times.
  • Almond: It has a rich zinc content. In addition to increasing the level of testsoteron, it also improves sperm quality.
  • Clove: It is a powerful aphrodisiac known since ancient times.
  • Ginger: It is vasodilating and anti-oxidant effective.
  • Oats: The L-arginine it contains increases the nitric oxide level and thus blood supply.
  • Pine nut: With its intense L-arginine content like oats, it increases the level of nitric oxide and increases blood supply.
  • Cardamom: It regulates blood flow with the chemical called cineole.
  • Cinnamon

Sea products:

  • Oyster; It regulates the libido by increasing the dopamine level.
  • Shrimp.
  • Caviar: It has an antioxidant effect with its zinc content. It controls the testosterone level. It is effective on libido and sperm production.


  • Chocolate: Its main ingredient, cocoa, is mainly an anti-oxidant effect. In addition, it increases endorphin release and stimulates libido and sexual pleasure with the phenyletlamine contained in it.
  • Egg: With its rich protein and B vitamin content, it both meets the energy needs and increases the libido.
  • Molasses: It is important in meeting the energy need with the calcium and potassium it contains, and in meeting the oxygen demand of the tissues with iron.

Tadalafil is an oral medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men.

Tadalafil is an oral medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It should only be taken in low doses per day when sexual intercourse is expected or if regular sexual intercourse is expected. This drug is a phosphoesterase type 5 inhibitor. This class includes other drugs such as sildenafil and vardenafil.

tadalafil oysters and aphrodisiacs

Erectile dysfunction, impotence, affects many men and is dependent on a number of both physiological and psychological factors. The physiological process of obtaining and maintaining an erection is complex and involves various chemicals and nervous system signals. Cyclic (cyclic) GMP is one of the chemical messengers involved. When sexual stimulation occurs, GMP is released and causes the blood vessels in the penis to dilate, providing more blood circulation and helping the penis harden.

Phosphoesterase type 5 is another chemical messenger that cleaves cyclic GMP. Tadalafil prevents the breakdown of cyclic GMP by inhibiting Phosphoesterase type 5. This ensures a sustainable erection. The drug only works when sexual stimulation occurs because cyclic GMP is only available then.

Tadalafil can be used “as needed”. When used in this way, the pill is taken about half an hour before the expected sexual intercourse. Usually the prescriber will start with a low dose of 10mg and increase it to 20mg if necessary depending on the response and tolerance.

Erectile dysfunction can be distressing and causes considerable anxiety. Tadalafil can also be taken in a daily dose if regular sexual intercourse is expected, thus eliminating the need for anticipatory dose. But when used daily, the dose is much lower, either 2.5 mg or 5 mg depending on the response and tolerance.

As with any medication, tadalafil can interact with other medications or medical conditions. It should not be used with any nitrate medication, which is a common medication for angina patients. Before using tadalafil, any accompanying medication or illness should be discussed with the prescribing doctor to avoid potentially dangerous interactions.

Tadalafil can cause side effects. The most common of these are dizziness, headache and postural hypertension, especially in patients taking concomitant antihypertensive drugs. Due to the possibility of dizziness, patients should not drive or work with heavy machinery while on the way to work after taking the drug. Rarely, priapism may occur. This means an erection that lasts longer than four hours and requires medical treatment to prevent long-term damage to penile tissues.