Many countries have tried to regulate alcohol consumption by making drinking expensive. But the country added a 100 percent tax…
A new ‘atlas’ of genetic influences on osteoporosis
A ground-breaking new study has succeeded in compiling an atlas of genetic factors associated with estimated bone mineral density (BMD),…
Engineers create delicate sensor to monitor heart cells with minimal disruption
For the first time, engineers have demonstrated an electronic device to closely monitor beating heart cells without affecting their behavior.…
Tumors backfire on chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is an effective treatment for breast cancer, yet some patients develop metastasis in spite of it. Researchers have now…
Wireless ‘pacemaker for the brain’ could offer new treatment for neurological disorders
A new neurostimulator can listen to and stimulate electric current in the brain at the same time, potentially delivering fine-tuned…
Thriving on teamwork: New research shows how brain cells filter information in groups
For decades, scientists studying the visual system thought that individual brain cells, called neurons, operate as filters. Some neurons would…
Unmuting large silent genes lets bacteria produce new molecules, potential drug candidates
By enticing away the repressors dampening unexpressed, silent genes in Streptomyces bacteria, researchers at the have unlocked several large gene…
Smelling in tiny houses: How ciliary electric currents keep olfaction reliable
Scientists have used a combination of mathematical modeling, electrophysiology, and computer simulations to explain how cells communicate effectively in highly…
James Watson Had a Chance to Salvage His Reputation on Race. He Made Things Worse.
The Nobel-winning biologist has drawn global criticism with unfounded pronouncements on genetics, race and intelligence. He still thinks he’s right,…
James Watson Won’t Stop Talking About Race
The Nobel-winning biologist has drawn global criticism with unfounded pronouncements on genetics, race and intelligence. He still thinks he’s right,…