A new antimicrobial-resistance gene, VCC-1, a beta-lactamase gene, has been discovered in benign close relatives of virulent Vibrio cholerae, which…
Fluorescing urine signals organ transplant rejection, could replace needle biopsies
Glowing urine may replace the biopsy needle: In detecting organ transplant rejection, a new nanoparticle has proven much faster and…
Keep calm and don’t carry on when parenting teens
In a new study, psychologists find that mothers and fathers who are less capable of dampening down their anger are…
American women have better control of high blood pressure but are more obese than men
A study of more than 30,000 Americans since 2001 has revealed significant differences in management of heart disease risk between…
T-cell receptor diversity may be key to treatment of follicular lymphoma, study finds
Healthy T-cells play a crucial role in how the body fights follicular lymphoma, according to a new study. T-cells are…
Cervical microbiome may promote high-grade precancerous lesions
Infections with a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) cause 99 percent of cervical cancer cases, and the disease’s first sign is often…
Prenatal forest fire exposure stunts children’s growth
Forest fires are more harmful than previously imagined, causing stunted growth in children who were exposed to smoke while in…
Engineers can detect ultra rare proteins in blood using a cellphone camera
Commercial approaches to ultrasensitive protein detection are starting to become available, but they are based on expensive optics and fluid…
New machine learning technique rapidly analyzes nanomedicines for cancer immunotherapy
With their ability to treat a wide a variety of diseases, spherical nucleic acids (SNAs) are poised to revolutionize medicine.…
Brain’s primitive sensory region also participates in sophisticated learning
Neuroscientists have revealed that a simple brain region, known for processing basic sensory information, can also guide complex feats of…