Researchers reveals the impact of product placement in television programming. The findings indicate that prominent product placement embedded in television…
Germline gene therapy: Safety
An internationally known embryologist and his son make the case for using gene-editing tools to prevent inherited disease, in a…
Immunotherapy drug found safe in treating cancer patients with HIV, study suggests
The results of a new study suggest that patients living with HIV and one of a variety of potentially deadly…
Hormone produced during pregnancy repurposed to treat painful joint condition
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have investigated whether relaxin’s joint-loosening properties could be applied to alleviate symptoms of arthrofibrosis. The…
Medical News Today: Tips to improve posture
People can improve their posture by practicing certain exercises and making some lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthful weight.…
Medical News Today: What to know about deep sleep
During deep sleep, the body restores various functions, including energy and memory. There are several stages of sleep, and they…
Combination of water scarcity and inflexible demand puts world’s river basins at risk
Nearly one-fifth of the world’s population lives in a stressed water basin where the next climate change-driven incident could threaten…
Diabetes drug alleviates anxiety in mice
The antidiabetic medication metformin reduces anxiety-like behaviors in male mice by increasing serotonin availability in the brain, according to a…
Medical News Today: What to know about betamethasone
Betamethasone is an inflammation-reducing corticosteroid that helps treat a range of skin conditions. Learn about the types, uses, and side…
Bioinks to print therapeutics in 3D
A team of researchers has developed an innovative way to print therapeutics in 3D for regenerative medicine.