A new study of more than 700,000 one to 19-year olds being treated for HIV infection suggests a ten-fold increase…
Antidepressants linked to heightened pregnancy related diabetes risk
Taking antidepressants while expecting a baby is linked to a heightened risk of developing diabetes that is specifically related to…
Acute psychotic illness triggered by Brexit Referendum
Political events can take a serious toll on mental health, a doctor has warned, after treating a man with a…
Cheap, quick test identifies pneumonia patients at risk of respiratory failure or sepsis
Researchers have now identified specific fragments of genetic material that play a role in the development of respiratory failure and…
One third of patients with severe asthma are taking harmful doses of oral steroids
A third of patients with severe asthma are taking harmful doses of oral steroids, according to a study of several…
Treatment with long term, low dose antibiotic could help people born with chronic lung condition
Taking a low dose of the antibiotic azithromycin for 6 months reduces symptoms for patients with the chronic lung condition…
Say N2O to Drugs: A Unique Presentation of Symptomatic Vitamin B12 Deficiency
A 19-year-old woman with no past medical history presented with 1 month of progressive bilateral hand and feet numbness and…
Utilization of Unconventional Radiography to Localize an Insulinoma
Imaging led to a definitive diagnosis for a 71-year-old female who presented to the endocrine clinic for evaluation of hypoglycemia.…
Doctor offers unique perspective as father of a child with rare genetic disease
From a professional standpoint, Nathan Hoot, MD, Ph.D., understands the value of medical research that leads to new, groundbreaking drugs…
Food insecurity in young adults raises risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma
A paradox of food insecurity in wealthy countries is its association with excess weight. Now, a study finds that young…