Researchers have identified a new role for PARL, a protein that has been linked to Parkinson’s disease. They report that…
Heart cell defect identified as possible cause of heart failure in pregnancy
A new study reveals that one of the possible primary causes of heart failure in pregnant women is a functional…
Computer model shows how to better control MRSA outbreaks
A research team reports on a new method to help health officials control outbreaks of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA,…
Telemedicine may increase patient satisfaction with medical care
A recent study suggests telemedicine may improve patients’ satisfaction with their postoperative care as well as their quality of life.…
Our social judgments reveal a tension between morals and statistics
People make statistically-informed judgments about who is more likely to hold particular professions even though they criticize others for the…
Work-family conflict hits home
Researchers have long known that sick children can affect a company’s bottom line, as employees are distracted or have to…
Genes that drive male-female brain differences, timing of puberty
Researchers have discovered a group of genes in roundworms that control the onset of puberty and induce sex differences in…
Two possible new ways to treat silent seizures in children
A recent study characterizes silent seizures in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome and identifies a new brain area that…
Genetic mutation responsible for tuberculosis vulnerability
Scientists discovered a genetic variant that greatly increases a person’s likelihood of developing tuberculosis. Their research elucidates how this mutation…
Four Simple Words to Help You Live Well
This year, take a small step every day to build healthy habits for your body, mind and spirit.