Protein editorial assistants are clearing the way for cut-and-paste DNA editors, like CRISPR, to access previously inaccessible genes of interest.…
Burnout linked with irregular heartbeat
Feeling excessively tired, devoid of energy, demoralized, and irritable? You may have burnout, a syndrome associated with a potentially deadly…
In mice, alcohol dependence results in brain-wide remodeling of functional architecture
Using novel imaging technologies, researchers produce first whole-brain atlas at single-cell resolution, revealing how alcohol addiction and abstinence remodel neural…
Medical News Today: What to know about oscillopsia
Oscillopsia is the sensation that the surrounding environment is constantly in motion when it is not. Oscillopsia is usually a…
Who’s liable? The AV or the human driver?
Researchers have developed a joint fault-based liability rule that can be used to regulate both self-driving car manufacturers and human…
Researchers unlock secrets of cell division, define role for protein elevated in cancer
Researchers have successfully recreated a key process involved in cell division in a test tube, uncovering the vital role played…
Brain model offers new insights into damage caused by stroke and other injuries
A researcher has developed a computer model of the human brain that more realistically simulates actual patterns of brain impairment…
Hyperactive immune system gene causes schizophrenia-like changes in mice
Excessive activity of an immune system gene previously linked to schizophrenia reproduces neural and behavioral aspects of the disease in…
More federal funding needed to increase Americans’ active transportation habits
The federal government has allocated only about 2 percent of its transportation funds to encourage walking and cycling, not nearly…
Medical News Today: How does a hot flash feel?
A hot flash is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper body, including the chest, arms, neck, and face.…