Blood can typically be stored for only six weeks after donation, but a potential solution attempts to dry blood by…
How the brain recognizes change
A research team revealed in an animal study a previously unknown role of a presynaptic adhesion molecule to tell the…
CRISPR helps identify potential Alzheimer’s-related protein
Experts have identified a new protein in the pathway that leads to Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers used the ‘molecular scissors’ of…
Scientists identify cause of leakiness in eye diseases
Scientists have identified a key step in the process that leads to leaky vessels and harmful swelling in eye diseases.
A new biosensor for the COVID-19 virus
Researchers have developed a novel sensor for detecting the new coronavirus. In future, it could be used to measure the…
Scientists explore using ‘own’ immune cells to target infectious diseases including COVID-19
The engineering of specific virus-targeting receptors onto a patient’s own immune cells is now being explored by scientists as a…
Milestone for the early detection of sepsis
Researchers are developing a ground-breaking method that uses biomarkers to detect sepsis 2 to 3 days before the first clinical…
Heavy cost of excessive drinking on people’s decision making
A new study highlights how hangover inhibits individuals’ ‘core executive functions’ with knock-on impacts for those currently working from home.
Antibodies could provide new treatment for OCD
Mental health conditions such as obsessive compulsive disorder could be treated in a new way using drugs that target the…
AI to make dentists’ work easier
Researchers have developed a new automatized way to localize mandibular canals.