Overweight preschoolers had higher rates of broken arms and legs in childhood.
What Cancer Has Taught Me About Fear
Cancer patients deal daily with dread stirred by organisms produced by the body they attack.
M.L.B. Employees Become the Subjects of a Huge Coronavirus Study
The testing, which will screen for antibodies in workers, is intended to provide a better understanding of how many people…
Global Criticism for Trump’s W.H.O. Cuts Over Coronavirus Response: Live Updates
Voters in South Korea had their temperatures checked and were made to sanitize their hands before entering polling places. More…
Prediction of sepsis mortality using metabolite biomarkers in the blood: a meta-analysis of death-related pathways and prospective validation
Sepsis is a leading cause of death in intensive care units (ICUs), but outcomes of individual patients are difficult to…
Ten Ways to Empower Yourself as a Woman in Science or Academic Medicine
Increasing data demonstrate that women are underrepresented in healthcare. Gender equity research supports that gender disparities in science and academic…
Being right-brained or left-brained comes down to molecular switches
Scientists may have solved one of the most puzzling and persistent mysteries in neuroscience: why some people are ‘right-brained’ while…
Transposable elements play an important role in genetic expression and evolution
A new study shows that transposable elements play an important role in regulating genetic expression with implications to advance the…
Long spaceflights affect astronaut brain volume
Extended periods in space have long been known to cause vision problems in astronauts. Now a new study suggests that…
Big variability in blood pressure readings between anatomical sites
Blood pressure readings taken from neuroscience intensive care unit (NSICU) patients had marked differences between opposite sides of the body…