Masks, health checks, even worse food. Long-distance travel may never be the same.
Flying Was Once Routine. During the Pandemic, It’s a Feat.
Masks, health checks, even worse food. Long-distance travel may never be the same.
Paper-based device provides low-power, long-term method for analyzing sweat
Researchers have constructed a paper-based device as a model of wearables that can collect, transport and analyze sweat in next-generation…
Survival of coronavirus in different cities, on different surfaces
Researchers have examined the drying time of respiratory droplets from COVID-19-infected subjects on various surfaces in six cities around the…
COVID-19 loneliness linked to elevated psychiatric symptoms in older adults
A new study has linked COVID-19-based loneliness in older adults with elevated psychiatric symptoms of anxiety, depression, and trauma symptoms…
Down to the bone: Understanding how bone-dissolving cells are generated
Bone-dissolving cells called osteoclasts are derived from a type of immune cells called macrophages. They are necessary for the maintenance…
Study reveals birth defects likely caused by flame retardant
A new study has shown that exposure to a now-banned flame retardant can alter the genetic code in sperm, leading…
Immune cell discovery could improve the fight against hepatitis B
Researchers have identified and described a new and unique subset of human cells that are involved in the immune response…
The neurobiology of social distance
A new paper explores the wide-ranging, negative consequences that social isolation has on our psychological well-being and physical health, including…
What It Looks Like Inside an Amazon Warehouse Now
Amazon, which has been under fire on worker safety, invited us into one facility to show its response.