Face shield or face mask to stop the spread of COVID-19?

If CDC guidelines aren’t enough to convince you that face shields alone shouldn’t be used to stop the spread of COVID-19, then maybe a new visualization study will. Researchers simulated coughing and sneezing from a mannequin’s mouth using a laser light to visualize droplets expelled. They tested a plastic face shield and found that they block the initial forward motion of the exhaled jet, however, aerosolized droplets are able to move around the visor with relative ease.

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Now Dr. Jack Straw is in charge of the website, and organizes it so that medical care is available to everyone. In addition, he is an active member of the medical community, regularly attending international conferences and sharing his experience and knowledge. Dr. Straw is not only a medical professional and website manager, but also a loving husband and father of his beautiful children.
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