In a review of evidence from the most reliable data from randomized trials to find likely small-to-moderate effects of remdesivir,…
Mouse studies link some autism to brain cells that guide sociability and platonic love
Researchers report that new experiments with genetically engineered mice have found clear connections among a range of autism types and…
Radical diagnostic could save millions of people at risk of dying from blood loss
Engineers have developed a fast, portable and cheap diagnostic that can help deliver urgent treatment to people at risk of…
Cancer-fighting gene restrains ‘jumping genes’
About half of all tumors have mutations of the gene p53, normally responsible for warding off cancer. Now scientists have…
Should I run, or should I not? The neural basis of aggression and flight
Researchers have investigated the mechanism behind defensive behavior in mice. They have identified a specific area of the brain that…
Brainstem neurons control both behavior and misbehavior
A recent study reveals how gene control mechanisms define the identity of developing neurons in the brainstem. The researchers also…
Researchers take a stand on algorithm design for job centers: Landing a job isn’t always the right goal
Algorithms that assess the risk of citizens becoming unemployed are currently being tested in a number of Danish municipalities. But…
Nucleus accumbens recruited by cocaine, sugar are different
In a study using genetically modified mice, researchers found that the nucleus accumbens recruited by cocaine use are largely distinct…
Black soldier fly larvae as protein alternative for hungry humans
Black soldier fly larvae contains more zinc and iron than lean meat and its calcium content is higher than milk.…
Cut chores and kill chill time: New advice to boost children’s academic achievement
Determining a child’s best daily balance of sleep, activity and relaxation can be a challenge, but if you’re hoping to…