NK cells, or natural killer cells, play an important role in the body’s defences against cancer and various infections. Now…
Meds news
Age-related immunity loss
Research in mouse cells identifies defective metabolic pathway in aging immune T cells. The pathway is critical for switching T…
New drug seeks receptors in sarcoma cells, attacks tumors in animal trials
A new compound that targets a receptor within sarcoma cancer cells shrank tumors and hampered their ability to spread in…
Control HIV by treating schistosomiasis, new study suggests
Of the 34 million people worldwide with HIV, and the 200 million with schistosomiasis, the majority live in Africa —…
Parents’ brain activity ‘echoes’ their infant’s brain activity when they play together
Research shows for the first time that when adults are engaged in joint play together with their infant, the parents’…
IPCC to take greater account of carbon storage by agroforestry systems
Researchers have established coefficients for carbon storage in the soil and aboveground and belowground biomass of different agroforestry systems.
Megacity traffic soot contributes to global warming
Soot from road traffic in emerging countries can reach high altitudes, where it can be transported over long distances and…
How teens deal with stress may affect their blood pressure, immune system
Most teens get stressed out by their families from time to time, but whether they bottle those emotions up or…
Molecular causes of brain injury associated with gut condition uncovered
Using a mouse model of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), researchers have uncovered the molecular causes of the condition and its associated…
Watching brain cells fire
Brain scientists have plenty of ways to track the activity of individual neurons in the brain, but they’re all invasive.…